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laptop on desk with items aboutHere you will find a growing list of resources for web development and programming.

  1. Dele AI Coder
     Use our AI bot to ask all your coding questions
  2. Colour Picker
     Searching for that perfect color - use this HTML color picker to browse millions of complimentary colours.
  3. Web Safe Colours
     Web Safe colours are built into the browser palette and should display consistently on all computer monitors. There are 216 of these solid, non-dithered colours.
  4. Flat Colours
     These are non-distractive, flat and two dimensional colors used to create the template elements.
  5. Icon Monster
     Here are free icons for use on any web site.
  6. Placeholder images
     A simple, fast and free image placeholder service for your web site.
  7. Image Resizer
     When you need to quickly resize images online for free.
  8. UnSplash
     Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project.
  9. Pixabay
     A vibrant community of creatives, sharing royalty-free images, videos, audio and other media.
  10. Embed HTML into web page
     This tool facilitates the embedding of code examples into web pages.
  11. Codepen
     This online editor allows you to create and display HTML code online
  12. Visual Studio Code
     One of the leading editors for programming languages, with loads of useful extensions. To change background colour theme press Control K + Control T
  13. Online Editor (Programiz)
     Run your JavaScript, SQL, Python and PHP online. Excellent resource
  14. Trinket - Run Python 3 online
     One of the best resources for running Python code online.
  15. Tutorials
     Tutorials and videos on aspects of web development